The Lunch Party
We had a lunch party Friday, the last day before the Thanksgiving week off. Students had been getting stickers for their team flags for winning grammar games, or getting best average quiz scores, or other signs of working hard. The winners were "Hush" from 1st period (naming themselves for their quietness), a tie of "The Smores" (for melting together into a team), and "The Randoms" (self-explanatory) in 5th period, and "IDK" ("I Don't Knows") for 6th (for helping each other in times of need).
Grace was awesome, she woke up at 5:30 to fry up lumpia and made Philippine torta and rice too. The kids chowed it down in seconds. It was a cool time and I think everyone had fun. I hope we can do it again to end the semester. It is definitely worth the effort to see them laughing and smiling in English class!
Now it's time for a rest week, and I think we're going to San Francisco to visit the family of Grace's friend Marissa. I haven't been there for a long time, so it will be great to go. The last time I spent any real time there was when I was living in the RV and travelling the West trying to be a writer. That was almost 20 years ago! I remember meeting some hippie kids by some parks along the coast highway and taking them up with me. Everyone should have the chance to travel with no home but their car for a bit when they're young. It gives such a sense of freedom and life to your life. I've always thought the more keys a person has the harder it is to be happy. If you can be happy with no keys, then you can have true happiness in your soul indeed.